Theology and History

Providential Military History


Theology and History is a website dedicated to teaching the great heritage of Christian faith and freedom and to the promulgation of history from a Christian perspective. This is accomplished through our twin blogs, Theology and History, dedicated primarily to church history and theology, but also teaching American history, world history and more general topics of history, and Providential Military History which traces the history of faith and freedom through the “wars and rumors of wars” that have occurred throughout the history of the world and have been used by God to tremendously shape the world and accomplish his purposes in the earth. Theology and History is committed to teaching history from an explicitly Christian perspective. Therefore, we teach history from a Providential viewpoint. This view of history, also known as the Puritan view of history, studies history from a theocentric and Christocentric viewpoint, looking backward to the events of the past to determine how God foreordained human events and how his purposes were accomplished in said events. Because faith and freedom are inseparable, and because theology cannot be divorced from the study of history, this site also produces articles on various theological topics and on various aspects of Christian doctrine, both orthodoxy and orthopraxy. All writing on this site is written from the standpoint of a Christian theology that is conservative, evangelical, and reformed. This site’s owner and author Jared C. Edwards is passionate about the advancement of the kingdom of Christ throughout the earth and has a zeal to apply the word of God to every area of life and thought. He is convinced that a knowledge of history, a topic he personally finds engaging and interesting, is vital to the successful transmission of the Christian faith generation to generation (Psalm 78:1-8), and that the great work of Gospel transformation, of social, political and cultural reformation, will suffer if Christians do not know their history, and the successes and failures of Christendom.

“Often we read history as atheists or Deists, rather than as Christians. To read events without observing the hand of God in them is to read as atheists. To read and not observe how all the events conduce to carry on the work of redemption, is to read as Deists.” —John Brown of Haddington

“The march of Providence is so slow, and our desires so impatient; the work of progress is so immense and our means of aiding it so feeble; the life of humanity is so long, that of the individual so brief, that we often see only the ebb of the advancing wave and are thus discouraged. It is history that teaches us to hope.” —Robert E. Lee


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